Strategi Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Komunitas Berkebutuhan Khusus Melalui Industri Kreatif di Sidosermo Indah, Surabaya
This study aims to see how the strategies used by Tiara Handicraft in empowering the economy of communities with special needs.
This study aims to see how the strategies used by Tiara Handicraft in empowering the economy of communities with special needs.
This study evaluates the role of a large university in developing the social entrepreneurship capabilities of its students and fresh graduates through its business incubator; and investigates why tenants choose to be or not to be social entrepreneurs after their incubation process.
Journal of Social Development Studies (JSDS) Vol. 2 No. 2, 2021 dengan tema Asset and Innovation in Community Empowerment.
Buku Kota Cerdas Berkelanjutan karya Nirwono Joga dan kawan-kawan merupakan buku yang membahas mengenai isu strategis dalam membangun perkotaan yang cerdas berkelanjutan mulai dari perencanaan, penataan ruang, pengelolaan, dan pengembangan.
Film ini menceritakan tentang awal mula hingga akhir dari suatu epidemi yang berkembang di Bundang, Korea.
The Indonesian government has been implementing the Industrial Environmental Rating Program (PROPER) since 1995. PROPER demonstrates the new regulatory approach called Public Voluntary Regulation (PVR), which combines the government authority and market power.
Novel ini mengisahkan rencana perampokan oleh 10 orang bersahabat demi mendapatkan uang untuk melanjutkan pendidikan kedokteran Aini anak dari Dinah.
Film ini tergolong film action karena memperlihatkan alur aksi pemberontakan yang dilakukan oleh para pemberontak dan dibumbui dengan adegan kekerasan yang cukup menegangkan.
This report discusses Indonesia’s social policy response to Covid-19 as well as the public’s response to this policy response. It finds that the Indonesian social policy response to the pandemic was mainly through reallocations within the government budget to finance targeted social safety net programs covering social assistance, family support, and labor market benefits.