Bachelor Program

Of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK)

About The Study Program

The Study Program of Bachelor of Social Development and Welfare is especially designed to give students in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the field of social development, with the main focus of developing community welfare in Indonesia. Having three study focuses – social policy, community empowerment, and corporate social responsibility – we aim to not only provide strong understanding of theoretical concepts and fundamental principles, but also to ensure that students are ready to apply such knowledge in real-life situations in order to support Indonesia in achieving greater welfare.

Our main objective is to create graduates who are ready to actively and meaningfully contribute to social development, and have strong humanitarian spirit, as well as skills in overcoming even more complex social challenges. We aim to not only share knowledge with students, but also shape them to be agents of change who are ready to make real and positive differences in society.

With warm embrace and support, we invite you to join us in this great journey of paving the way toward improved justice and welfare for all Indonesian citizens.

The Department of Social Development and Welfare, which is previously known as the Study Program of Social Welfare Sciences (Sosiatri), was established in July 1957 in accordance with Government Regulation No. 15 of 1957. In reference to the Decree of UGM Rector No. 100/P/SK/HT/2010, the name of the Study Program of Social Welfare Sciences was officially changed to the Study Program of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK). Furthermore, in accordance with Decree of Rector No. 809/P/SK/HT/2015, the Study Program of Social Development and Welfare became the Department of Social Development and Welfare in 2015. From the first day it was established and to this day, The Study Program of Bachelor of Social Development and Welfare has achieved excellent predicate for accreditation.

What Will You Learn?

Course Structure

In order to meet graduation requirements, students of the Bachelor Program of the Department of Social Development and Welfare must have completed 149 credits of courses with the following course distribution:




Course Category

Number of Courses

Number of Credits

University Compulsory Courses



Faculty Compulsory Courses



General Elective Courses



Department Compulsory Courses



Department Elective Courses



Elective Courses for Department Focus Studies



Explore Courses

Religion is a university required course that all students of Universitas Gadjah Mada must enroll, according to their belief and religion. This course is aimed to nurture proper personality and improve religious understanding. Students are expected to understand and apply religious teachings in their everyday life.

Pancasila is a course designed to provide in-depth understanding to students on Pancasila as the foundation of the nation, the guidance of socio-political ethics, and the national ideology of Indonesia. Discussions and analyses in classes allow students to explore and solve various issues in Indonesia based on the principles of Pancasila.

Civics is a course that focuses on the introduction and understanding of roles, rights, and responsibilities of Indonesian citizens, in national and international contexts. This course is mainly aimed at improving students’ knowledge and insight on nationhood matters, including regulations, laws, and other related social aspects.

Community Service of Community Empowerment Learning (KKN-PPM) is a compulsory course for eligible students, which is carried out across many regions in Indonesia. This course is aimed at sharpening empathy and social awareness among students through teamwork, as well as emphasizing the importance of responsibility, cooperation, and collaboration. KKN-PPM is designed to strengthen university identity as the center of learning that promotes values of culture, nationalism, alignment to people, and the principles of Pancasila

Undergraduate thesis is a graduation prerequisite to obtain the Bachelor’s degree, allowing students to select a research topic on social development and welfare. With their undergraduate thesis, students are expected to be able to develop and express critical thinking whilst applying the knowledge and skills they have learned during their studies.

“Kegadjahmadaan” is a course that studies the history, culture, and values of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). In this course, students will learn the history of UGM establishment, its development ever since, its role in the development of higher education in Indonesia, as well as its impact in shaping the academic identity and culture in Indonesia.

Academic Writing is a course that aims to train students to be able to create effective and efficient academic pieces. In this course, students are expected to master the basic skills for effective academic writing, and to compose a quality scientific publication.

Introduction to Social Sciences is a course that aims to provide fundamental understanding on various concepts, theories, and methods used in social sciences. In this course, students are expected to gain solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of social sciences, and be able to apply methods and theories in understanding and analyzing social phenomena around them. This course serves as an important foundation in understanding social sciences among students.

Introduction to Political Sciences is a course designed to provide basic understanding of the concepts, theories, and political processes within the society. In this course, students are expected to gain solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of political sciences, and be able to apply such knowledge in understanding and analyzing social phenomena at the local, national, and international levels.

“Socio-political History of Indonesia” is described as a course that covers deep understanding of the development of socio-political history of Indonesia from the pre-colonial era to the modern age. In this course, students are expected to gain deep understanding of the socio-political history of Indonesia, as well as to be able to analyze important events in the history of Indonesia in a critical and contextual manner. This course also helps students to understand the identity and role of Indonesia in regional and global contexts.

“Social Research Methodology” is a course that discusses fundamental principles, techniques, and processes involved in conducting social research. In this course, students are expected to gain deep understanding on social research methodologies, as well as to be able to develop skills in designing a quality social research, conducting it, and analyzing its results. This course also helps students to prepare themselves to carry out independent research and to understand the contribution of social research in solving complex social issues.

“Socio-political System of Indonesia” is described as a course that covers deep understanding of the structures, processes, and dynamics of the socio-political system in Indonesia. In this course, students are expected to gain a deep understanding of the socio-political system of Indonesia, as well as to be able to analyze the complex socio-political dynamics within the system. This course also helps students to understand their roles as Indonesian citizens in striving for democracy, justice, and public welfare.

Semester 1

This course invites students of the Department of Social Development and Welfare to learn the principles of social development and welfare sciences in engaging ways. This course is the first step for students to explore other courses within the Department of Social Development and Welfare. The objective is to help students understand the basic concepts, theories, approaches, and strategies to achieve welfare through three main study focuses of: Social Policy, Social Responsibility, and Community Empowerment.

Social development and welfare are closely related to social policy. Social policy reflects the role of the state with its many decisions and measures in determining the level of public welfare. Social Policy is a course that provides experience for students to perceive, understand, and analyze many social issues, allowing them to formulate social policy strategies.

Complexities of everyday life are always related to social issues. Social issues may become challenges, hindrances, or even triggers to improve social life. This course expects students to understand the meaning and indicators of social issues, ways to handle them, and different perspectives in comprehending them.

Semester 2

Social institutions or social agencies play important roles in social development and welfare of the community. Social institutions are established based on various spirits and purposes as responses to challenges and potentials existed in the community. This course invites students to learn and identify social institutions, highlight institutional issues, and analyze development of all kinds of social institutions within the community.

Social work is a form of intervention aimed at improving public welfare in the development process. Such intervention is carried out by different parties, including the government, the private sector, and the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), who are assigned to assist and guide the public in a professional manner. This course expects students to acquire knowledge on social work, to be able to identify social issues, to provide alternative solutions, and to respond to all types of social work properly.

The issue of poverty is getting even more interesting to study due to its complexities. Discussing poverty means exploring wide-ranges of phenomena, in terms of the theories and the practices. Poverty and development are inseparable, as they have a cause-effect relationship. This course equips students with the ability to identify issues related to poverty, understand theories and concepts of poverty and development, and to come up with innovations in measures to relieve poverty using creative approaches.

Semester 3

Social change is an on-going condition and is triggered by various factors. Social Change and Development is a course that discusses how social change is formed, as well as how it affects and supports community development. In this course, students are expected to understand and analyze social change phenomena as a trigger and consequences for the community.

Social theories serve as the foundation in the study of social development and welfare. In particular, many sociology theories put social change as its center of attention. In this course, students are expected to understand and apply different social theories to explain various phenomena within the community and to conduct research activities.

Population growth allows movement of people from one region to another. Migration has the potential for negative and positive impacts, and is at the center of attention, especially for a developing country like Indonesia. In this course, students are expected to improve their skills in analyzing the context of regional development and migration phenomena, occurring domestically and abroad.

All kinds of manners and forms of social development are often found in different levels of development. From micro to macro, from village to international level, and from those involving only one actor to those performed by many parties. Such reality only makes development, especially at the social level, even more complex and interesting to study. In this course, students are expected to understand various development theories from a social point of view, as well as to recognize and apply theories of social development in dealing with many issues and challenges in the community.

Semester 4

Practicum 1 is the real implementation of the field research course that students have learned, emphasizing the application of social research methodologies, as well as social theories. The practice of quantitative research is performed by students in groups, adopting themes that are relevant to the Department of PSdK. This course invites students to develop critical thinking skills in formulating and conducting social research, to understand the stages of social research, to sharpen their skills to interact with and collect data from respondents, to actually perform data processing, and to write a scientific report that serve as the result of their research.

A holistic development demands all related aspects to be developed and adjusted to many needs, including the implementation of social security. This course is focused on the development of social security, in the domestic and international context. In this course, students are expected to understand the theories and basic principles of social development, to implement social policies in the context of social security, and to have a critical and innovative mindset in dealing with issues related to social security.

Social development and welfare are inseparable from social policy. Social policy reflects the role of the state with its many decisions and indicators in determining the level of public welfare. This course offers unique experiences for students to dig, understand, and analyze many phenomena of social issues, and to come up with the most adequate social policy strategies to handle such issues.

This course is designed to help students understand various types of research conducted within the scope of social sciences. Its focus is on the understanding and implementation of the qualitative research methodology in the context of scientific research. In this course, students are expected to be able to provide in-depth explanations of many phenomena using qualitative research methodology, with emphasis on the process and meaning.

Population growth comes with opportunities and challenges. This course discusses many issues related to population and employment in Indonesia from the perspective of Social Development and Welfare. The main objective is to help students understand, identify, and design social service programs in relation to population and employment.

Semester 5

Community development theoretically and practically have shown diversity in line with its ever-changing contexts and approaches. This course is part of the community development study that emphasizes the understanding of various strategies of community development using a comparative approach. In this course, students are expected to understand and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of community development strategies, either those implemented in Indonesia or abroad.

Philanthropy is any voluntary activities performed for humanitarian purposes, either individually or collectively. The social connotation attached to philanthropy emphasizes universality without any prejudice to individual backgrounds or attributes. This course discusses how voluntary actions may turn into an institution having religious reason, social intention, or other motives as its foundation. In this course, students are expected to understand issues and activities related to social philanthropy as measures to improve public welfare.

Public health issues should not only be viewed from the medical perspective, but also from their significant relations to socio-political aspects in providing public health services. This course is aimed at inviting students to understand public health sciences in the context of social welfare development, to figure out the profile of Indonesian public health, and to comprehend the concept of community empowerment in order to improve the level of public health.

Development Monitoring Evaluation is a course that emphasizes the understanding of basic concepts, methodology, and practices of evaluation, as well as monitoring in the context of social development. In this course, students are expected to gain deep understanding on the importance of evaluation and monitoring in social development, as well as to be able to apply such concepts and methodology in real-life practices in order to make positive changes within the society.

Semester 6

Community Empowerment is a course that explores the concepts, theories, and practices related to community empowerment. In this course, students are expected to understand the importance of community empowerment in sustainable development, to master many strategies and methods of empowerment, and to be able to apply such concepts and theories in real-life context in order to make changes in the community. This course may differ in theory and practice according to the ever-changing contexts and approaches. This course is part of the community development study that emphasizes the understanding of various strategies of community development using a comparative approach. In this course, students are expected to understand and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of community development strategies, either those implemented in Indonesia or abroad.

Social Science Methodology is a course that discusses fundamental principles and techniques implemented in conducting research in social sciences. In this course, students are expected to understand various research methodologies implemented in social sciences, choose and apply proper methods for their research, and produce quality research in social sciences.

Practicum II is a course that focuses on qualitative research with the final product of a proposal for qualitative social research. The objective is to develop students’ skills in implementing social theories by conducting a social research. This course also provides an opportunity for students to prepare a topic and submit their research proposal for their undergraduate thesis. In this course, students are expected to be able to develop their skills in designing in-depth and relevant research in social sciences.

Selected Topics of Social Development and Welfare is a course that discusses current issues related to social development and welfare. Students are expected to be able to perform critical analysis on many actual issues related to community development, either in Indonesia or abroad. Students are also expected to use their critical, logical, and systematic thinking in utilizing data from all sources to construct a scientific article related to contemporary social phenomena.

Odd Semester

Planning Theory is a course that discusses planning concepts in Indonesia, emphasizing the importance of logical and systematic planning to create programs that are effective and efficient to achieve public welfare. Students are expected to understand the theories and to be able to implement them in making an authentic and useful plan for the community.

Social Leadership is a course that studies the concept of leadership in social context, which is focused on leadership theories and evidence-based learning. This course is aimed at equipping students with understanding the role of leaders as agents of change in dynamic societies. Students are expected to develop leadership skills and attitudes.

Sandwiched between capitalist and socialist economies, Indonesia has an alternative economic system suitable for the characteristics of its people, i.e., the economy of the people. Economy of the people or Pancasila economy is expected to help improve welfare through community empowerment upholding the values of Pancasila. In this course, students are invited to discuss how an economic system affects empowerment and welfare of a community.

Welfare Pluralism is a course that discusses how welfare distribution in developing countries involves many actors, including the state, the private sector, and the community. This course explores the concept, development, and debate related to Welfare Pluralism. Students are invited to learn and analyze the roles and shifting dynamics of actors in the context of developing country, and to compare them with practices in developed countries.