Examining Emerging Social Policy during COVID-19 in Indonesia and the Case for a Community-Based Support System

Tauchid Komara Yuda, Janianton Damanik, dan Nurhadi

Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 2020

Pages 1-10 | Published online: 8 Nov 2020


This article seeks to examine an emerging model of social policy governance during the COVID-19 crisis. Our observation indicates although positive welfare model reform that leads to protective-developmental orientation is underway, there remains important issues that need to be addressed. We recommend developing a community-based support system that is able to capture the community’s needs based on their real-time conditions, especially for vulnerable groups which have often been neglected. This system would provide better direction for governments, NGOs, and donors to more effectively allocate resources to communities, and be applicable should a similar crisis arise in the future.

Yuda, Tauchid Komara, Janianton Damanik, dan Nurhadi. 2020. “Examining Emerging Social Policy during COVID-19 in Indonesia and the Case for a Community Based Support System. dalam Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, h. 1-10. November 2020.

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