

Social Development and Welfare
Fisipol UGM


The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) established the PSdK Doctoral Study Program. Admission of new students begins for the 2022/2023 academic year

Curriculum Structure for the Doctoral Program
Social Development and Welfare (PSdK)
Fisipol UGM

Profile of the PSdK Doctoral Program

Vision The vision of the PSdK Doctoral Program is to become an excellent quality doctoral education institution in the field of social development and welfare.

The program has five missions, which are as follows:

    1. Conducting doctoral education based on the philosophy of science, theory, and methodology in the field of social development and welfare, with a choice of theoretical and empirical focuses on community and broader societal studies, emphasizing empowerment in three areas: community and societal development, corporate social responsibility, and social policy.

    2. Engaging in research activities and scientific publications in the field of social development and welfare that contribute to knowledge and society

    3. Providing community service to strengthen social development practices oriented towards community empowerment for the realization of welfare.

    4. Developing collaborative networks with similar educational institutions, government agencies, private sector, and civil society organizations at the national and international levels.

    5. Developing institutional governance based on technology and implementing transparent, accountable, and effective management systems to support the implementation of the Three Pillars of Higher Education with excellence and quality.

Based on these vision and missions, the objectives of the PSdK Doctoral Program are as follows:

    1. Developing research-based scientific knowledge in the field of social development and welfare through doctoral education as a continuation of the Bachelor's and Master's levels.

    2. Producing graduates who can compete nationally, regionally, and globally in the mastery of knowledge in the field of social development and welfare.

    3. Producing graduates with competencies in research and the discovery of new theories on social development and welfare.

Graduate Profile

Graduates of the Doctoral Program are projected to become experts in the field of Social Development (academics or Social Development Experts/SDE). SDEs are experts focused on formulating new theories in Social Development Science. Additionally, SDEs will be involved in community development policy-making. This includes professionals at the top level who are responsible for developing development policies based on community initiatives and oversee planners and field facilitators. They are top managers who can coordinate various efforts and activities of the government, corporations, and civil society organizations.

SDEs are expected to be doctoral graduates who have the responsibility to contribute to the development of knowledge by conducting research to produce new theories. They can become academics or practitioners in social development whose presence significantly impacts the social development process in Indonesia and globally



As part of the doctoral program development at Gadjah Mada University, the Doctoral Program in Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) follows the regular track. As a prerequisite for graduation, students are required to write a dissertation and publish their scholarly work in national or international reputable journals. The PSdK Doctoral Program curriculum is designed to be completed within 3 years and includes five courses that students must take in the first and second semesters. This is followed by research, dissertation writing, and publication in the third, fourth, and fifth semesters, with the dissertation defense expected to take place in the sixth semester. The details of the courses and the number of credits (SKS) that students must complete in the PSdK Doctoral Program are as follows:

List of Courses in the Doctoral Program in Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) Regular Track




Philosophy of Social Science 31


Social Research Methodology




Development Theory4



Theories of Welfare4



Selected Topics in Social Development and Welfare4



Research and Dissertation Writing223, 4, 5


 Total Credits48 

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

  1. Philosophy of Social Science
    This course introduces doctoral students to the essence of scientific knowledge, including its objects and the process of scientific knowledge formation. It explores the reasons why people need scientific knowledge, how truth is formed in scientific thinking, and the underlying principles that shape scientific knowledge. Students will understand the inherent truth in scientific knowledge. Ultimately, the course aims to help students understand not just how theories and methods are formulated, but why they are expressed in certain ways and that these expressions are not singular but diverse. This means that there are different opinions on how to express or question theories and methods (methodology) because the nature of truth in scientific knowledge is not absolute. This course will provide the foundation for understanding how scientific methods or procedures are empirically obtained and how theories are developed.

  2. Social Research Methodology
    This course enables students to understand and apply various rational research and social research methods.

  3. Development Theory
    This course discusses changes in discourse, theories, and practices of development, starting from the history of the emergence of development ideas, theoretical perspectives on development referring to classical economic theories, criticisms of economic development, social development theories, and criticisms of contemporary social development.

  4. Theories of Welfare
    This course discusses concepts and theories of welfare, as well as the development of welfare regimes in various countries. Classroom discussions focus on conceptual and theoretical debates, including approaches such as utilitarianism, positive subjectivism, social choice, social justice, neo-utilitarianism, and others. With comprehensive theoretical understanding, students will be able to explain welfare as the outcome of social development processes in the context of Indonesia and internationally.

  5. Selected Topics in Social Development and Welfare
    This course is designed to discuss various issues in social development and welfare, with topics aligned with contemporary issues and student research topics. Through this course, students will be able to understand, analyze, research, and formulate contemporary issues related to social development in order to achieve community and societal welfare, particularly for marginalized communities.

  6. Research and Dissertation Writing
    This course is designed to discuss various issues in social development and welfare, with topics aligned with contemporary issues and student research topics. Through this course, students will be able to understand, analyze, research, and formulate contemporary issues related to social development in order to achieve community and societal welfare, particularly for marginalized communities.

  7. Dissertation
    The dissertation is the final requirement for students to complete their studies and obtain the doctoral degree. This course carries a weight of 8 credits.

Department Chair

Prof. Sus
Prof. Dr. Susetiawan, S.U. Dosen PSdK FISIPOL UGM
Prof. Suharko
Prof. Dr. Suharko Dosen FISIPOL UGM
Wahyudi Kumorotomo
Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Kumorotomo Dosen FISIPOL UGM
Dr. Krisdyatmiko
Dr. Krisdyatmiko, S.Sos. M.Si. Dosen PSdK FISIPOL UGM
Dr. Silverius Djuni
Dr. Silverius Djuni Prihatin, M.Si. Dosen PSdK FISIPOL UGM
Dr. Hempri Suyatna
Dr. Hempri Suyatna, S.Sos., M.Si. Dosen PSdK FISIPOL UGM
Nurhadi, Ph.D.
Nurhadi, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D. Dosen PSdK FISIPOL UGM

Information on Admission for New Students in the Doctoral Program of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK)

The criteria for prospective students refer to the university's admission standards. This includes: 

    1. Minimum education requirement of a master's degree or S2 in the field of social development and welfare, social development, economics, sociology, anthropology, social welfare, politics, public policy, and other relevant social sciences.

    2. Academically, prospective students should have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 for universities or programs accredited as A, ≥ 3.25 for programs accredited as B, and ≥ 3.50 for programs accredited as C.

    3. Must obtain a minimum score of 500 in the Academic Potential Test (TPA), Postgraduate Academic Potential Test (PAPs), and a minimum TOEFL score of 500.

    4. Attach proof of scientific work such as a thesis or other publications as the first author.

    5. Attach a research plan oriented towards novelty and solving social problems (5,000-6,000 words).

The Doctoral Program in Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) at Fisipol UGM opens registration once a year. Details of the registration and selection schedule can be found in the following information:


For further information regarding the PSdK Fisipol UGM Doctoral Program, you can contact the contact person at the following address:
Phone: +62-851-5942-0100