1.      Social Policy

The social policy study focuses on the state's efforts to solve social problems. This focus includes two main substances, namely social welfare, and social services. The substance of social welfare discusses how the state's role through a series of policies and their indicators determines the welfare of society. Meanwhile, social services' substance includes the implementation of state services in the five dominant areas (the big five), namely social security, housing, education, health, and social work. Also, social policy learning is discussed from the level of theoretical perspectives to the implementation. Thus, students can understand the policy formulation process to create social policies that are contextual to society's conditions.

2.      Community Empowerment

The basic idea of empowerment is to place humans as subjects in their own environment. Community empowerment is an effort to help people develop their abilities to be free and able to manage their problems and make decisions independently. The focus of the community empowerment concentration is elaborating concepts and approaches aimed at developing community capacity. The community is expected to be independently and sustainably manage local institutions and resources. This study's focus discusses community empowerment from the origin of its concept to the practical approach of its implementation. Through this study's focus, we hope that students understand community empowerment from basics concept to the practical strategies.

3.      Corporate Social Responsibility

The focus of the study on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) merupakan respon terhadap berkembangnya komitmen swasta untuk terlibat aktif dalam menciptakan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Fokus kajian ini ini berfokus pada tata kelola CSR yang mampu menjembatani kepentingan perusahaan dan masyarakat serta analisis berbasis ilmu dalam menjelaskan CSR untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. CSR tidak hanya sekedar komitmen untuk mengalokasikan anggaran melainkan juga pengembangan kapasitas kelembagaan yang mampu mengelola isu sosial sehingga mempertemukan kepentingan dan sosial secara bersama-sama. Dengan adanya fokus kajian ini, mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki kerangka analisis dalam menjelaskan sejarah perkembangan, konsep-konsep, hingga tata kelola CSR.