Re-examining the Institutional Layering of Social Policy Configuration in Indonesia

Tauchid Komara Yuda

Journal of Asian Public Policy Volume 13, 2020 – Issue 3

Pages 353-365 | Published online: 1 Sep 2019


Several studies have pointed out that institutional layering of formal social programs over informal welfare arrangements in Indonesia has undermined the social solidarity between welfare actors. The means-tested Housing Renovation Programme in Kulon Progo Regency was studied by drawing on primary and secondary data, including 11 in-depth interviews with key stakeholders. This article has, consequently, a different argument. The layered approach has stimulated the development of solidarity ventures by welfare actors in providing decent housing for the needy. This could have occurred because the government adopting a community-based distribution system, rather than a statistical calculation-based system.

Yuda, Tauchid Komara. 2020. “Re-examining the Institutional Layering of Social Policy Configuration in Indonesia”. dalam Journal of Asian Public Policy, 13(3), h. 353-365.

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