Milda Longgeita Pinem
Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia, Volume 3, No.3, 2020
Pages 122-129 | Published online: 2020
This article aims to discuss the critique of a western-biased epistemology and to reveal the discriminatory side of such epistemology. By using a literature study, there are two main focuses in this article. First, the discriminatory side of western epistemology cannot be understood without modernity which is closely related to progress and newness characters. Such characters tend to discriminate ways of knowing from certain traditional societies or ethnic groups. Second, the development discourse becomes a way to develop a western-biased epistemology. This discourse is a tool to justify the western-biased epistemology to regain control of the Southern countries or former colonies. The conclusion and suggestion of this article is the need for social scientists to build a critical perspective to be able to see other variants of epistemology beyond the West. This critical attitude certainly does not necessarily reject western scientific standards.
Pinem, Milda Longgeita. 2020. “Kritik Terhadap Epistemologi Barat”. dalam Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia, 3(3), h. 122-129. 2020.
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