

Social Development and Welfare
Fisipol UGM


Departemen Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan merupakan perubahan nama dari Jurusan Sosiatri yang berdiri sejak Juli tahun 1957 berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 15 Tahun 1957. Merujuk pada SK Rektor UGM Nomor 100/P/SK/HT/2010, secara resmi nama Jurusan Sosiatri berubah menjadi Jurusan Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan (PSdK). Selanjutnya, melalui SK Rektor Nomor 809/P/SK/HT/2015, mendorong pembentukan Jurusan Pembangunan dan Kesejahteraan menjadi Departemen Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan di tahun 2015. Sejak awal pendiriannya hingga saat ini, Prodi S1 Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan telah memperoleh predikat akreditasi unggul.

Bachelor's Program

The Bachelor's Degree Program in Social Development and Welfare focuses on producing graduates who can develop knowledge in the field of social development towards Indonesia as an advanced country. In order to achieve this vision, the Department of Social Development and Welfare has three areas of study that are built based on reflections on social changes in Indonesia, namely Social Policy, Community Empowerment, and Corporate Social development) menuju Indonesia sebagai negara maju. Dalam rangka mewujudkan visi tersebut, Departemen Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan memiliki tiga fokus kajian yang dibangun berdasarkan hasil refleksi terhadap perubahan sosial di Indonesia yakni Kebijakan Sosial (.), Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (.), dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibillity).

Along with its development, the study of Social Development and Welfare is to learn about social development through strategies to solve social problems to create social welfare. The implementation of professional lectures is actualizing through the measurable vision, mission, and objectives of the Bachelor's Program.


    • Vision:

The vision of the Bachelor's Program is to create an internationally reputable educational institution that capable of developing knowledge in social development.


    • Mission:
      1. Fostering graduates who possess distinctive intellectual capacity in analysis and research, as well as practical skill in community facilitation.
      2. Elaborating research in community development related to policy and empowerment activity as well as contributing to social sciences.
      3. Contributing in community development, solving social problems, and social welfare service as a dedication to the country.
      4. Presenting supportive institution governance to perform high-quality Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education).


    • Goals:
      1. High-quality performance in education that is able to produce relevant knowledge to sustainable social development and community welfare.
      2. Students graduated with integrity, excellent understanding in social policy and practice of community development, and globally competitive in every sector.
      3. Production of high-quality social research that considerably referred to social development efforts within the welfare pluralism framework.
      4. Institutional involvement in creating community welfare and social problems solving based on local resources.
      5. Increase the lecture and students' involvement in community service activities.
      6. Supporting implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education).
      7. Increase the implementation quality of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education) through periodic evaluation.
      8. Intensification of institution’s capacity and human resources in the organization of academic activities and services.
      9. High performance in technology-based administration and information management.
      10. Performing a transparent, accountable, and effective management system.

Graduates Profile of the Undergraduate Program

The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) equips all students with interdisciplinary skills. The department develops reflective and ethical professional abilities, enabling students to become critical thinkers, researchers, effective team members, leaders, project managers, and impactful communicators. The PSdK Department prepares students to interact with various stakeholders, including business entities, communities, and governments, to contribute to sustainable development.

As part of UGM, alumni of the PSdK Department have the privilege of a long-term partnership network with fellow alumni and partners at local, national, and global levels. This established alumni network creates opportunities for contributions beyond individual capacities. They work closely for socially just and sustainable development, engaging in research, consultancy, and social policy development practices, community empowerment, and corporate social responsibility.

In general, career paths that can be pursued include:

  • Academic and research institutions, as well as think tanks, in the field of community empowerment, social assessment, and corporate social responsibility.
  • Central and regional governments in positions related to social development policies
  • International and national NGOs involved in policy advocacy, community organizing and empowerment, and expanding networks for sustainable development.
  • Sociopreneurs and entrepreneurs based on community empowerment and local potential development
  • Bilateral development institutions requiring Social Development Specialists' expertise
  • Lembaga akademik dan penelitian serta think tank (pusat kajian/pemikiran) di bidang pemberdayaan masyarakat, penilaian sosial, dan tanggungjawab sosial perusahaan.

Scope of the Bachelor's Program

The Social Development and Welfare Study Program (PSdK) is a program that focuses on studying social development through problem-solving strategies to achieve community well-being. The PSdK program proposes effective problem-solving strategies by not only focusing on problem-solving but also on post-problem handling strategies. Therefore, the approaches of Community Development (CD) and Community Organizing (CO) are used to address various social issues.

In order to address various social problems, the PSdK Department has three main areas of study built upon reflections on social changes in Indonesia. The three prominent areas of study in the PSdK program are:

      1. Kebijakan Sosial  (.)

        Social policy studies focus on the efforts of the state in addressing social problems. This includes preventive aspects and its development through social welfare services.

      2. Community Empowerment (Community Empowerment)

        The focus of community empowerment studies is the elaboration of concepts and approaches aimed at developing the capacity of communities. Communities are expected to independently and sustainably manage institutions, resources, and local potentials.

      3. Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan .

        The study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a response to the growing commitment of the private sector to actively engage in creating community well-being. This study focuses on the governance of CSR, which can bridge the interests of companies and society, and utilizes evidence-based analysis to explain CSR in order to enhance community well-being.

    These studies are directing students' interest in mini-thesis writing. By choosing one of the studies, the students can decide the focus and deepen the theoretical study as the chosen topic.

The Distribution of Subjects

The bachelor's program students are obligated to take the subjects with 144-course credits. The list below is the distributions of the subjects:

  • Compulsory University Courses: 5 courses; 15 credits
  • Compulsory Faculty Courses: 7 courses; 18 credits
  • General Elective Courses: 2 courses; 6 credits
  • Compulsory Department Courses: 23 courses; 69 credits
  • Department Elective Courses: 9 courses; 27 credits
  • Department Focus Study Elective Courses: 3 courses; 9 credits.
Total number of courses: 49; Total credits: 144.
3.5 0 Years

Study Period

144 0 Credits


35 0 Courses

Compulsory Courses

14 0 Courses

Elective Courses

Curriculum Structure

The Bachelor's Program:


Download the Handbook of the Bachelor's Program

Pada tahun 2023, Program Studi S1 PSdK kembali menerbitkan buku Panduan Akedemik tahun 2023 dengan beberapa revisi dari panduan akademik sebelumnya. Dengan memahami panduan akademik ini, mahasiswa diharapkan siap mengikuti proses pembelajaran yang optimal sesuai dengan rentang waktu yang telah ditentukan. Dengan terbitnya buku panduan ini, semoga semakin memudahkan mahasiswa dalam mengikuti perkuliahan.


Dengan adanya program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) yang dicanangkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi, Divisi Advokasi dan Propaganda KAPSTRA 2023 menyusun buku saku “MBKM 101”. Buku saku ini berisi informasi dasar mengenai program MBKM yang wajib diketahui oleh mahasiswa PSdK yang memiliki minat terhadap program tersebut.


Alumni's Competence and Career

Program Studi PSdK mencetak alumni yang sangat diperlukan oleh tiga pemangku kepentingan yaitu Negara (State), Masyarakat (Civil Society) dan Swasta (Private Sector). Alumni berpotensi bekerja di bidang:

  • Community Development Specialist for the private sector (CSR) and non-government organizations.
  • Social Policy Analyst in the government
  • Social Researcher
  • Academy